Monday, January 31, 2011

Cheerleader reflects on final season

by Serena Wells

Every high school athlete has a last season to do their sport. Just like any senior athlete, this is Jerica Fore’s last season as a High School Cheerleader. Jerica has been cheering ever since the seventh grade at Mayo Middle School . I sat down and talked to Jerica about her last season at Paris Cooperative and how she felt about the squad this year and how everything to do with the team is going this year.

The Interview:

Serena Wells: “What got you to start cheering?”

Jerica Fore: “I think the main reason I got into cheering was because of tumbling. I tumbled throughout my child years, and once I got old enough to cheer, I figured that would up my skills.”

SW: “How do you feel your last year on the squad is going?”

JF: “I honestly think we are pulling together as a team more than we have in the past. Of course, there is still drama but that is normal.”

SW: “Do you plan on continuing cheer after you graduate?”

JF: “I got recommended as well as three other cheerleaders on the team to try-out to be a UCA staff member, and I plan to do this. If I make it, I will travel different places to teach camps.”

SW: “You broke your foot this season, how did doing this affect your season this year?”

JF: “First, finding out that my foot was broke I was extremely upset. All I could think about was how it was my last year, and I may not be able to compete. It was extremely hard to sit at practice and watch someone take my place. My foot has somehow healed, and I am back on the competition squad.”

Good luck to Jerica with trying out to be on the UCA staff.